Lifestyle en trauma guidance for women and menopauseopauze
Are you looking forward to the menopause? Are you just entering menopause and experiencing physical and mental symptoms? Then realize that symptoms are your signposts. They are a signal from your body that you are not doing well and that change is necessary. Menopause is a transformational period into a new phase of life. It’s not a healthy solution to keep doing what you’ve always done, for better or worse?
I am happy to guide you tino the Wise phase!
Wise phase
The transition to the Wise phase is not natural for women in the West. Our society does not recognize the importance of wise women, as it does in other cultures. Declining estrogen levels affect the body and psyche. Misunderstanding the menopause, the pressure from media and society to keep looking young and flawless, treating symptoms with chemicals and not having an attractive perspective can result in years of misery.
It is my passion to work with you to shape a healthy, wise and above all appropriate new phase of life. Based on the 5 Biological Laws, I use EFT, Family Constellations, QHHT, Hormone Yoga and natural nutritional supplements as my instruments.
Are you ready?
Then contact me and call: +31638326242, or send me an email and book session right away, or a free introductory talk. For sessions you are welcome in Amsterdam. Not based in Amsterdam? I offer an exclusive retreat with a stay of several days in my B&B.